Writing Fated Mates

Writing Fated Mates

This week's topics let's talk fated mates.
You know what I mean. It's not only a common trope, but also really common for SFR which I (mostly) write. More than that though, it's a thing near and dear to my heart, but not always. 
I'm going to say some things here but let's start out with I'm not judging or putting down any other author, their ideas, their stories, or any readers preference. I'm talking about what I personally like. I don't need anyone raising their pitchforks if they don't agree. 😎🤔🤣
When I began writing Tajss I knew fated mates would be part of the world. But, in a big revealing secret, I don't like the way it's normally presented. I don't like it as a deus ex machina. 
That's a word I don't see a lot, so I want to make sure to define it. It's a person or thing that appears or is introduced into a situation suddenly and unexpectedly and provides an artificial or contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty.
It's a plot device and one that is most often used to “justify” why the two couples instalove/instalust. Those devices definitely have their place and it's fine, but when I'm writing something more than a “one and done” (pun intended 😊) I don't like using it. 
Tajss was always meant to be my magnus opus. My grand universe in which I could tell lots and lots of stories. In other words I wanted more than just, “Hey, me, you, we belong together because…” insert fate, destiny, etc.
The other side of this, for me, is I truly believe in soul mates. I believe in love that transcends time, space, and even reality as we see it. This is real for me, in my heart. That has bled into Tajss, it's a part of me. 
If you've read Tajss and been paying attention I've gotten more and more blunt about what's happening between the humans and the survivors of Tajss. I'm not going to put spoilers in here but if you know, you know. 
I didn't put this so bluntly at first. I don't recall which book I first really spelled it out, but it was one of the “Experiment” arc books. I also remember getting a one-star review in which that reviewer said this whole idea of reincarnation and loving across lifetimes was “too unreal. I can't believe she put this in the book.” That's not verbatim, by the way, but the general idea.
James and I could only laugh about it. These alien monsters with two dicks having sex with human women is okay, but two souls coming back together was too unreal?
I firmly believe any reviewer has an absolute right to their opinion and to say what they want so I'm not calling this person out. I am using it to illustrate my thoughts on fated mates. 
My writing isn't for everyone. I get that. I mean I can dream it would be, but that's a dream. There are still lots and lots of readers who will enjoy my thoughts and style. 
So on fated mates, I needed them to have more. Because wasn't enough of a reason for me, story wise or as an author. I love the idea that two souls belong together. Two people coming back together again is beautiful to me. And it gives a backstory that explains “fated mates” in this world of Tajss at least that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. 
I write Tajss because it makes me happy. I believe, in my heart, that in the end, love does conquer all. That's what I hold to in this life and it's central to my stories and all the worlds I create.
Now it's on you. Here's you fast and easy poll to answer!
  1. Miranda you're nuts, but you go girl.
  2. Yes! John Lennon had it right, all you need is love.
  3. I love fated mates and appreciate the deeper story!
  4. Uh, I got nothing so please write your thoughts, lol. 🤣

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