Indie Authors and AI

Indie Authors and AI

I'm going to dive into a subject that I've avoided until now. It's contentious, a lot of thoughts, a lot of opinions, and in general the only thing more contentious is the upcoming US Elections which I will not and will never comment on because I'm an author and, in my opinion, have no business doing so.
What am I talking about? AI - artificial intelligence - and it's use in the Indie Author business.
No matter what we say or do, it's here to stay. I saw that when it launched to the world. This was the opening of Pandora's box in the digital age. I'm not going to delve into its origins. Suffice to say I feel strongly against the way it was trained as an author and an artist. I am certain they “stole” work to do it. I also know this is again a thing that can't be undone or rectified because AI is supported by too many deep pockets. 
As for writing, I do not, and never will use AI to write my books. James and I played with it when it was just coming out and both of us hated using it. It took away our voice, what makes us, us. 
On the other hand, I have, clearly, used it for covers. I cannot draw well enough for a cover. I do sketch and draw, but not with enough skill. That's never been my skillset. I have been sketching out what I want on the cover then using that to generate the cover. I like the way they look, even if I disagree with the ethics of how AI came to be. 
It's easier, with AI, to create the covers I want. Prior to AI I used stock photography that I would then spend an average of around twenty hours to manipulate to get a workable piece of art. AI covers take me less than half that time. 
But I also see that since I began using AI it seems I've had a harder time reaching new readers. I'm also in talks with a new cover designer as I look at no longer doing my own covers. They offer AI covers too, but I think I'm going to go back to the old-fashioned ones, especially if I don't have to find the hours to do it myself.
I'm coming to you for your honest thoughts and opinions. Everything is changing in the world and doing so fast. The only opinion that matters, at the end of the day, is your reader. You are the one who will either buy/read my books or not. I can have opinions all day long, but opinions don't entertain, and they don't sell books. 
The numbered point for replies seems to be popular too, so I will continue with it - here we go!
  1. AI is fine for covers.
  2. I actually like them better.
  3. I don't like them.
  4. I hate them.
  5. Please don't ever use them again - AI is evil and will create Skynet, don't be dumb Miranda!
Until next time.

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